
The name Taroona is said to derive from the the Aboriginal word for the chiton, a marine mollusc found on rocks in the inter-tidal and shallow sub-tidal regions of our beaches.

Taroona is a southern suburb of Hobart, Tasmania, lying between the western shores of the lower Derwent estuary and the forested foothills of Mt Nelson and The Lea.

Taroona residents enjoy the coastal environment which has three safe sandy beaches and a shoreline track.
Taroona is situated on the Derwent River, just south of the city environs of Hobart.
Taroona is home to a diverse range of birds of approximately 100 species, both native and introduced.
The Taroona Park Community Use Area includes the Hall, Cottage, Playground, Dog Exercise Area, Skate Park, Scout Hall and Neighbourhood Garden.
Provides a sunny open space for local residents to learn organic gardening skills, grow nutritious food and engage in healthy outdoor exercise and social activities. 
The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania is internationally recognised for excellence in marine and Antarctic research.
The track begins at the big bend on the municipal boundary and emerges at the old Mt Nelson signal station, where there are magnificent views of Hobart and the Derwent Estuary.
Alum Cliffs Track has long been a coastal path used by local people. The track features commanding views over Storm Bay and the Derwent Estuary.
Taroona residents enjoy the coastal environment which has three safe sandy beaches and a shoreline track.
Taroona is situated on the Derwent River, just south of the city environs of Hobart.
Taroona is home to a diverse range of birds of approximately 100 species, both native and introduced.
The Taroona Park Community Use Area includes the Hall, Cottage, Playground, Dog Exercise Area, Skate Park, Scout Hall and Neighbourhood Garden.
Provides a sunny open space for local residents to learn organic gardening skills, grow nutritious food and engage in healthy outdoor exercise and social activities. 
The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania is internationally recognised for excellence in marine and Antarctic research.
The track emerges at the old signal station, where there are magnificent views of Hobart ‘s northern suburbs, the city, Eastern shore and Betsy Island.
Alum Cliffs Track has long been a coastal path used by local people. The track features commanding views over Storm Bay and the Derwent Estuary.

What’s on in Taroona?

March 2025

Saturday 1:  Crop Swap at the Neighbourhood Garden. 10 am sharp, arrive early to set up

Sunday 2: Environment Network working bee. 10 am – 12 midday

Sunday 9: Deadline for submissions to next edition of Taroona News

Tuesday 18: Environment Network AGM, 7-9 pm, St Lukes Church Hall

Tuesday 25: Neighbourhood Garden AGM. 7 pm Community Cottage

Saturday/Sunday 22-23: Projected letterbox delivery of Taroona News

April 2025

Wednesday 2, 6.30-8PM: #SCRAP THE DAP
Meeting at the Bowls Club. See more in March Taroona News

Saturday 5: Crop Swap at TNG. 10 am sharp

Tuesday 29:  IMAS drop in session, Bowls Club. 5.30 pm


Check out upcoming events on the Kingborough website.

News in Brief

Grange Avenue Unit Development Plans

The proposal by the Stewart Group is to develop the old Mary’s Grange nursing home into 15 units configured to roughly build over the current 7 building footprints with  changes to design and form. TCA encourages Taroona residents to check out the application available on Kingborough Council website.

Kingborough Development Applications

St Lukes Playgroup.

St Luke’s playgroup is back up and running, every Tuesday during term from 10.30-12.
There are always activities on for the little ones and a cuppa for the parents & carers!
In the St Lukes Hall, enter off Coolamon Road.

Taroona Primary School Launch into Learning 2025.

In the Kindergarten room 9 – 10.30 am every Thursday from February 20.
For more information call: 6227 8325  or  taroonaprimary@decyp.tas.gov.au

Possums Playcentre has limited vacancies for 3-5 year olds on  Friday mornings.
Call: 0418 390 432

Food Vans at the Big Bend

*The Coffee Van serves great coffee and hot drinks Tuesday to Saturday
*Yeastie Beastie sells donuts on Monday and Friday
*The Italian Kitchen sells delicatessen lines most of Thursday
*Medici Pizza cooks tasty pizzas on site on Sunday evenings

Taroona Bowls and Community Club Bar
Bar is open from 3.30pm. Fridays @The Bowlo – Fish and Chips.
Bookings are recommended on 6227 8243 (after 3pm please)
