Taroona Community Association
Objectives of the Association:
• To encourage community connection, celebration and wellbeing including organising and promoting community events
• To promote Taroona’s community services and groups
• To effectively represent the general interests of Taroona’s residents on matters of community concern including liaising with Kingborough Council.
TCA Contacts:
For general enquiries: taroonacasecretary@gmail.com
To contact the Treasurer: treasurertca1@gmail.com
To contact the Webmaster: Get in touch

Taroona News
The printed newsletter is hand-delivered to 1500 letterboxes in Taroona by volunteers. The digital edition can be read on this website.
Community members – contribute to your Taroona News!
If you’d like to include a short article about your group’s past or future activities, please send it to this email address taroonacommunitynewsletter@gmail.com. Photos are always very welcome.
Advertising in Taroona News
Local businesses are welcome to contact us for advertising. All revenue goes towards the printing costs of Taroona News.
Cost: 1 column x 2 cm deep = $10, 1 column x 4 cm deep = $20
Membership of the Community Association simply means that you support our objectives (see above). It does not require you to attend meetings.
How to pay your Community Association membership:
Family or single membership is just $10 per annum.
All funds are used to support the activities of the Association, including the registration of this website. All memberships become due on 1st July each year.
(50¢ Credit Card fee applies)
To pay by direct bank deposit:
BSB: 067102
Account number: 28011079
When paying by direct bank deposit, please email the treasurer at treasurertca1@gmail.com to confirm payment.