Taroona Neighbourhood Garden (TNG)

Taroona Neighbourhood Garden aims to provide a sunny open space for local residents to learn organic gardening skills, grow nutritious food and engage in healthy outdoor exercise and social activities related to gardening.

The Association promotes education around organic growing methods to the broader community.

  • Planting and sowing bee
    Sunday 23 March 2-4pm. Shared afternoon tea at 4pm.

     **TNG AGM – Tuesday 25 March 7 pm, Community Cottage

  • Next Crop Swap at TNG:
    Saturday 5 April, 10 am sharp


A supportive Kingborough Council supplied the land in 2007. The original idea was pitched by local garden enthusiast Nathan White, and the work of constructing the plots and establishing the garden was done by our own local organic gardening guru, David Stephen.

The garden consists of 50 family or group plots of about 6 square metres each. There are also 2 long raised communal beds with a rotational system in place, and other ‘community’ areas around the perimeter fence. There is a herb garden on the outer perimeter on the Chiton Chase frontage.

> Download the TNG Constitution
> TNG Management Plan

Our Committee

Executive and Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting held on 9 April 2024 at St Lukes Church Hall:
President: Michael Lynch
Secretary:  Deirdre Brown
Treasurer: Christophe Marcant
Committee: Peter Lutz,  Graeme Watt, Katja Phegan, Chantel Yates

Read the President’s Annual Report 2024

Subscriptions for 2025

An individual family or group must be a financial member to garden on a plot.

The annual subscription is $60, but a concession ($30) is available on request for Low Income Health Care Card holders.

Associate Membership for those without a plot is $10.

Membership payment is due at the start of 2025. 

How to Pay your TNG subscription

Preferred payment method is by electronic bank transfer:
Name of Account: Taroona Neighbourhood Garden
BSB: 633000
Acct No: 157051541
Please put your name in as a reference so we know who has paid.

If you need to pay by cash or cheque, it is requested you do this at the first working bee of the year (renewals) or at the time of induction. Otherwise, please email tng@taroona.tas.au for instructions about paying cash and cheques directly to the treasurer.


You are welcome to call in to the garden at any time to look around and talk to whoever is there. You will often find one or two members working away there, so ask them about the garden. Be aware that we usually have a waiting list for a plot and that we give preference to Taroona residents.


Apply to join the waitlist by email to: tng@taroona.tas.au

New Members

Are you interested in joining the Taroona Neighbourhood Garden, either as a plot holder or as an Associate member?

Membership is $60 per year ($30 concession for low income health care card holders) and the fee covers bed construction, tools, training and public liability insurance.

Associate Membership is $10 ($5 concession) and is for people who are supporters of the garden but who do not wish to have a plot. It is also a way for people on the waiting list for a plot to participate.

To Join TNG

If you would like to join, please make an enquiry to the TNG email address first, as we often have a waiting list and may not have a plot available immediately. You may wish to join as an Associate Member (no plot) as an alternative form of participating.

Membership has some obligations, so before you apply make sure you are able to:

  • attend working bees or otherwise contribute to the general upkeep of the communal areas of the garden.
  • regularly manage and maintain your own plot, keeping it productively planted, free from weeds and pests
  • harvest produce when it is ready.

> TNG Induction Notes for new members


TNG is a member of Garden Clubs Australia – see more about GCA here